List of Words Translated From English into Portuguese With Images.
Theme: Fruits and Vegetables.
Meaning, Plural, Separation of Syllables and Phrases Written in Portuguese - Page 6.
Portuguese Translation: Alface
Plural: Alfaces
Silabic Separation:
Phrase in Portuguese:
No Brasil este vegetal é conhecido como "Alface Americana".
Word Class:
This word is a noun.
Portuguese Translation: Limão
Plural: Limões
Silabic Separation:
Phrase in Portuguese:
O limão é utlizado para fazer a "caipirinha", uma refrescante bebida brasileira.
Word Class:
This word is a noun.
Portuguese Translation: Manga
Plural: Mangas
Silabic Separation:
Phrase in Portuguese:
Por ser uma fruta tropical, a manga é facilmente encontrada no Brasil.
Word Class:
This word is a noun.
Portuguese Translation: Laranja
Plural: Laranjas
Silabic Separation:
Phrase in Portuguese:
As laranjas possuem propriedades antioxidantes que ajudam na saúde das pessoas.
Word Class:
This word is a noun.
Orange Pepper
Portuguese Translation: Pimentão Laranja
Plural: Pimentões Laranjas
Silabic Separation:
pi-men-tão la-ran-ja
Phrase in Portuguese:
O pimentão laranja é utilizado para decorar pratos culinários.
Word Class:
This word is a noun.
Next Words From This Topic:
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 1
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 2
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 3
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 4
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 5
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 7
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 8
Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables 9
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